Golden compass 2 full movie
Golden compass 2 full movie

golden compass 2 full movie golden compass 2 full movie

In the film this bridge now leads to Bolvanger. People who have read the book will know that Lyra crosses the bridge in pursuit of Lord Asriel and Roger. One such scene is Lyra crossing the Ice Bridge. I also thought there where scenes missing, like it was filmed to be longer, but either by Weitz hand or by New Lines, some scenes where lost. I'm a fan of thrillers so I like frantic and quick paced, however in the case of this movie it would have been nice if they had just slowed things down now and again, because like the Oxford scenes proved, intimacy between characters is Weitz strong suit. However non book readers would be easily lost if they decide on a 2 minute toilet break. You could say it's a good thing because as a result it holds your interest. The movie continues to move along at a quick pace barely giving you time to breath. This is all very exciting and full of adrenaline but as a book fan, i don't understand why they are in such a hurry. To illustrate my point Lyra runs away, gets attacked, is saved by the Gyptians, asks the Gyptians to take her North and its all aboard the ship in about the space of 15 minutes. This is where the story starts moving very quickly. I thought the movie was going down a path of perfection right up until Lyra's escape scene. She is sinister and stunningly beautiful in equal measure. I can report the iconic actress is back where she belongs. Nicole Kidman has been burdened by a few flops recently. Kidman delivers the line, "Let me deal with Asriel" with such unbelievable venom. And Mrs Coulters entrance and icy exchange with the Master, sent chills down my spine. Daniel Craig is on superior form as he presents his findings at Jordan college. Lyra and Rogers respect for each other is made abundantly clear. No big action sequences just intimate moments between the characters. In the Oxford section of the story is some of the best scenes in the movie. I think she is the heart of the movie and the best thing in it. From the start to the end she perfectly embodies all the cheek, all the inquisitiveness, all the curiosity, all the fight, all the courage and all the heart of Lyra.

golden compass 2 full movie

And here enters the star of this movie - Dakota Blue Richards. With Lyra, Roger and pals against the Gyptian kids.

Golden compass 2 full movie