Diablo 2 lord of destruction art
Diablo 2 lord of destruction art

A player who runs more risks to become a slaying machine will likely opt for a pair of claw-based weapons. A player who is tired of dying or who is playing hardcore will likely wish to emphasize defense and will therefore tend to use shields. The choice should be based on your style of play. Trapping can often be done from a safe vantage point, allowing for the peaceful quaffing of a mana potion, while martial arts assassins need mana in the thick of a fight-thus, it is especially important for these hand-to-hand masters to have plenty of available energy.Īssassins may choose to wield a weapon and a shield or two weapons-almost always, two claw-class weapons. None of her skills take tremendous amounts of mana, and quite a few skills generate effects that last a long time for example, burst of speed lasts for a couple of minutes, and shadow warriors stay alive until they are slain.Īn assassin character specializing in traps and martial arts will want to put more points into the energy attribute than one who relies on stealth or summoning. Thanks to her nimbleness, stealth skill, and traps, the assassin does not need to focus on defense to the extent that paladins and barbarians must. 7 Fighting Enchanted Monsters and Bosses.

Diablo 2 lord of destruction art